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Use the links on this page to connect to great Web pages with games, jokes and/or free money! You can click on any link to connect to it immediately.

Please send addresses (URLs) of sites that you find helpful to

  • Bonus A website full of games for kids of all ages although it does have a few errors.
  • Shockwave This website has many different games and greeting cards, but you must install the shckwave player to be able to use it.
  • Cool Jokes this website has over 100 differnt jokes on different subjects like politics, insults, lawyer... It comtains some bad language, but if you sign in, you can set it so that you skip the dirty ones.
  • My Points You get points for signing in, visiting web sites, checking their e-mails and shopping. You can redeem those points for gift certificates and stuff like that.
  • All advantage You download a tool that couts how many hours you spend on the internet. For every hour you get \$0.50. If you refer friends you get $0.10 for each hour they spend on the internet. I that cool or what?
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[The crdits] [Masha Pavl] [Alexandra williams Fleck ] [Fais][_]